Да прилипнет слово иностранное. Да расширится словарный запас наш.

This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2.10.
Edit this note to switch it and its comments to the current formatter, Neasden. If anything breaks, edit again to fix.
To temporarily install Calliope, get the directory /system/calliope/ from Aegea 2.9 and copy it to your /user/calliope/. This will not work with Aegea 2.11. See release notes for Aegea 2.10 for details.
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Лёша Рева 2014
This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2.10.
Edit this note to switch it and its comments to the current formatter, Neasden. If anything breaks, edit again to fix.
To temporarily install Calliope, get the directory /system/calliope/ from Aegea 2.9 and copy it to your /user/calliope/. This will not work with Aegea 2.11. See release notes for Aegea 2.10 for details.