Тег: Новосибирск
Я знаю отправную точку для плохого макета — желание дизайнера сделать красиво. И знаю противоположную точку — дизайнер хочет что-то сказать
1 ноября стартует 3-х недельный курс «Верстка макетов». Занятия по 2 раза в неделю по 1,5 часа
This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2
This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2
This text was created with a very old version of Aegea that used a formatter called Calliope. It is no longer included with Aegea 2